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Title    Bien-Dire : Se présenter [disque compact]
Publisher    Lyon : Entrefilet, 2010
Series    Bien-Dire Essentials
Notes    Résumé : How do you address someone when you first meet them? How do you introduce people? What questions do you ask and what can you say about yourself, your work and your interests. This audio CD will help you feel at ease when meeting French people and make sure you get off on the right foot!
Subjects    Français parlé--A1 Beginner (CECR) Alphabetic list
Spoken French--A1 Beginner (CECR) Alphabetic list
Français parlé--A2 Advanced Beginner (CECR) Alphabetic list
Spoken French--A2 Advanced Beginner (CECR) Alphabetic list

  • CAA: Audio
    1. CD/442/PAR/BIE - Available

  • Text for audio material
    1. CD/442/PAR/BIE - texte - Available


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